before i blog about what i want to say, i am damn angry now!!! i cant play ep 9 of pb season 2. yaya, i have completed the entire season but i am still pissed. i cant play it after i lend it to someone. damn it!!! did she ill treat it while i was away? arghhh!!!
working has been rather slack except when i am throw with multiple small tasks to do. based on what i know of myself, i will want to finish them asap. although i tell frens that "sorry, i was busy just now", it is just me wanting to finish it fast. i am about to end my current job in about one month's time but somehow i feel that there are much more things i want to do before the school starts.
making a list in my head, i realized cash is an obstacle. save up! that is what i always tell myself but seriously, how much and how long can i save up to get there? be practical girl!!!
no matter how unreasonable and conservative my parents can be at times, i still love them for giving me the space to breathe and freedom to enjoy. however, i have to pay a high price for this independence. they will advise you this this this and conclude everything by saying "ultimately, you have to think for yourself". omg! i felt the soil moved for a split second. it does not help at all when they say that to me. it just makes things worse. i hate to do things without having the support i want.
i just want to get out of school soon, when things are fully controlled by myself.